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confession time

I have been trying to wean myself off the internet, and it's not quite working. I took a two-week vacation from my Google Reader and it helped a bit but I WAS still checking facebook several times a day. I try to filter as much as I can by refusing to click on external links and this helps a bit.

However I realized that I feel like an ostrich with my head stuck in the internet, and I am avoiding everyday, real-time life by spending more than five minutes on the internet each night. This is especially not fair to my beautiful four-year-old boy who is growing up so quickly.

I thought, how ironic that I read all these sites about minimalism and quality of life, but I don't put them into practice. An hour online goes by, and my dishes are still piled up on the counter. I am overwhelmed by all the "stuff" I have to do but I avoid it by checking what someone from my life ten years ago is doing.

It reminded me of how I first got into meditation, and I would read and read and read about it, but rarely sat down and DID it. Same for yoga. I would buy a DVD and WATCH it, but not actually practice! Silly me!

One good thing I have done in the past few weeks is refuse to use the internet on my phone. Now when I am standing in line at the coffee shop I use the time to look around me and check out what's going on. I am going to cancel the data service on my phone now that I don't "need" it anymore.

I have been thinking about how necessary this blog is to me since I have such a hard time updating it (same goes for my livejournal and my tumblr). I realized a while ago that I keep a Blogger for me, not for an audience. I find the sidebars to be so useful for tracking my debts and savings. I was thinking of making the blog private but I couldn't figure out how to :)

Seriously, Karissa
