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Here's the Update

In 2016 I left my comfortable part-time permanent office job for a full-time job with the same employer but in a different location. The new job and I were not a good fit but I quickly got used to giving 200% for a $15,000 a year pay rise.

In 2018 in an ugly twist of circumstance I was told I failed my probation and was sent home with pay for almost three months. I was told to look for another position. I was running out of time when the third office I interviewed for accepted me as their office assistant, and I have been happily working for them since.

My current position is a much better fit for me, but it is even fewer hours than I worked from 2013-2016. Also the union agreed with HR to freeze my hourly rate to what it was when I left my permanent position in 2016. So, not only am I not receiving cost of living increases, I am also making less money because I work fewer hours than before.

When I was sent home in 2018 I was devastated and thought my 16-year stint was over. I applied to several college programs and started looking at the idea of branding myself to make money online.

My self esteem was completely devastated by the demoralizing work environment I had allowed myself to be subjected to for almost two years, so I started trying to build myself up by reminding myself of all the amazing things I had done by myself for myself and my kid as a single mom over the previous ten or so years.

And thus, the Debt Free Superhero was born, part caricature and part homage to the pop culture lifestyle my kid and I had got into in recent years. My intention was to turn the pages and pages of written notes in my journal into blog posts that would inspire other single moms to get and stay out of debt, and still live a somewhat indulgent and very happy lifestyle.

But the notes were never transcribed into posts, and then when the pandemic hit we found out the real superheroes are the front-line and medical workers who are keeping everything afloat. I'm not comfortable calling myself a superhero anymore when all I have done in the past eight weeks is continue to work at my office job from my living room couch!

My 2020 budget spreadsheet shows that my domain name will be up for renewal in May. In two years I have made only two blog posts, so I'm thinking of letting the whole thing go. I can save the money and type out my ideas here instead.
