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Another Moment of Joy

A bright, beautiful, windy day. Coffee in hand, I'm heading toward my office. I hear them before I see them: a huge gaggle of noisy Canada geese in circle formation passes by overhead. They are honking like their lives depend on it and the silliness of the sound makes me smile. I notice that, even though it is mid-to-late August and mornings are getting chilly, they are heading north . This makes me feel joyous. Summer is not yet over.

I look out over the river and see the gaggle settling onto the water, still in a circle. I wonder what the noisy urgency was, and why they settle there. From how far did they fly? Maybe just down river. No answers, but it doesn't matter, because their very existence made me happy.

Seriously, Karissa


  1. That's cool, we actually saw a flock of British geese yesterday when we were passing through a little village called 'Cockwood'in Devon, England, UK. Like you we usually see them flying but this time they were swimming in the harbour beside the boats. Keep enjoying life, there is so much out there to bring joy when we take the time to notice.


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